How I Got Here
“I liked music from a small age , but the thing is that I always liked it from the tech perspective no less then the music itself .My dad was a big music lover and he always invested in sone of the best home audio equipment ,We had an Akai 1/8 inch reel to reel machine connected to a Marantz Amp and EQ and straight to some big ass Philips speakers .He also had a turntable of course .At some point he taught me how to put the reels on 1/8 inch and how to make the whole thing work , I was about 6 or 7 .Since then I fell in love with the making the technical part work as well as listening to great music that was lying around ( Elvis ,The `Beatles ,Pink Floyd , Cliff Richard , ABBA , Jerry Lee Lewis etc. )When I was in Sixth grade I was asked If I wanted to volunteer in the school in house tech team which was responsible for the school’s in house plays , holiday show and end of year / beginning of the year events .I said yes , and did that for 3 years while also learning how to play the piano and later on the guitar .When I went to high school I simply volunteered at the tech team of the high school while also playing and helping arrangements of the different events .”Later on Gil went on to work for the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra and that’s where a fateful encounter with Phillips recording team left him with the realization that I want be one of them ,A sound engineer , recording , mixing , live mixing , whatever I can put my hands on .A couple of years after that realisation Gil Began working for one of the biggest studios in Israel,This time tuning and running massive 2 inch 24 track tape machines and a full size Neve 8068 .Since then ( 2001 ) Gil has recorded , mixed and mastered countless tracks .”At around 2009 I felt I needed to “air out” and I then began experiencing in live shows mixing ,At 2011 I began to take on productions as FOH sound engineer while spending day time at studios and evenings and weekends in live shows venues .”Throughout the years Gil had the opportunity to work wither in the studio or on stage with the top Israeli artists which some had made an international name for themselves ( Idan Raichel , Lola Marsh , theAngelcy , Red Axes , Asaf Avidan ) as well as major international artists such as Blackfield , Depeche Mode and Paul McCartney .Nowdays Gil is based in Berlin , his studio is set up in the “Rooms Of Kairos” collective.